Dutch Bird Alerts

19 februari 2020
11:02 GE Crested Lark
07:59 FR Rufous Turtle Dove
07:40 FR Pied Crow
18 februari 2020
16:20 ZH Ross's Goose
15:41 LI Blue-winged Teal
15:24 OV Great White Pelican
14:50 ZH Great Bustard
14:01 GE Crested Lark
11:52 ZH Hooded Merganser
10:30 ZL Zitting Cisticola
09:43 FR Pied Crow
17 februari 2020
15:58 FR Pied Crow
14:23 GE Crested Lark
13:37 FR Rufous Turtle Dove
13:13 ZH Hooded Merganser
10:46 ZH Great Bustard
07:58 OV Great White Pelican
16 februari 2020
13:10 FR Rufous Turtle Dove
13:02 ZH Great Bustard
13:00 ZH Hooded Merganser
12:42 OV Great White Pelican
12:06 GE Crested Lark
09:20 ZH Ross's Goose
15 februari 2020
14:29 ZH Hooded Merganser
13:35 LI Blue-winged Teal
13:16 FR Pied Crow
13:00 OV Great White Pelican
12:50 FR American Wigeon
12:17 GE Crested Lark
11:09 FR Rufous Turtle Dove

Grote Trap

Otis tarda  ·  Great Bustard

Datum & Tijd

06-01-2020 14:50


AtlasblokZH  ·  37-32-35
GPS51.91501 4.13800
RD69.055 437.018

Tijd & Gedrag



Determinatie zeker, geen kleedgegevens

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Extra informatie

Ben Gaxiola om 06-01 14:50: Bericht van het project: "The female comes from our release project in the federal state Brandenburg. She hatched in the incubator on May 17, 2019 and has a ring from the ringing center Hiddensee (BA38676, greenLT, right). The female has been missing since around November 10th. We all hope that greenLT will find its way back to us." waarneming.nl om 06-01 09:17: 1 ex.

Waargenomen door:

Mark van Leeuwen

